Cooking Guidance

We have collated some cooking notes for some of our post popular products below:

    1. Goose
    2. Family three bird roast
    3. Party three bird roast
    4. Two bird ballotines
    5. Stuffed game birds
    6. Venison roasting joint
    7. Wild boar roasting joint
    8. Game roulade
    9. Venison wellington
    10. Poultry
    11. Turkey
    12. Using a cooking thermometer - beef, lamb, venison & poultry

We have created a simple guide to cooking game in partnership with BASC's Taste of Game - this gives details and advice about how to cook all the game available to buy from our website. Download your free copy today.


    Please visit our Turkey & Goose Size Guide page for detailed information on the sizes of our whole geese, including serving guides and dimensions, to help you choose the perfect roasting tin.

    Pre heat the oven at 200ºC/Gas Mark 6 and allow 15 mins per lb (35mins per kg), excluding giblets and removed fat. This means allow about 3 hours for a 4.5kg (10lb) goose or 3.5 hours for a 5.4kg (12lb) goose.

     For further advice, please refer to Free Range Goose's guide to How to cook and serve goose at Christmas (PDF)

    Family three bird roast - 2.8kg joint

      Party three bird roast

        Two Bird Ballotines (Pheasant & Pigeon, Pigeon & Quail, Guinea Fowl & Mallard and Mallard & Partridge) 

        Stuffed Game Birds (pheasant, guinea fowl, mallard, partridge & pigeon, quail)

        Venison roasting joint

          Wild boar roasting joint
            Game roulade

            Venison wellington

            It is recommended that you check the internal temperature of the meat (52ºC for medium rare) around 5 to 10 minutes before recommended cooking time is up to ensure the best results, as some ovens can vary.


            Without a thermometer, the classic way to test is to push a spoon under the leg of the bird so that it pierces the skin (or use a skewer), and inspect the juices that collect in the spoon. The juices should be pale gold and clear; if there are traces of blood return to the oven allow 10-15 mins then test again.

            Whole Turkey

            Please visit our Turkey & Goose Size Guide page for detailed information on the sizes of our whole turkeys, including serving guides and dimensions, to help you choose the perfect roasting tin.

            For a 5kg free-range turkey (to feed 6-8 people)

            For accurate timing, always weigh your turkey after it has been stuffed. If it's very large, you may need to use bathroom scales or alternatively use a temperature probe (link to pantry.


            Turkey Crowns
            Because these joints are normally much smaller than a whole turkey, they will cook in no time. 

            If you follow the following magic calculation you won't overcook them and you will enjoy a succulent, tasty meal whichever size joint you choose.:

            • 190°C (Fan 180°C) / 375°F / Gas Mark 5 
            • 20 mins for every kg + 70 minutes if the joint is under 4kg (or + 90 minutes if the crown is over 4kg)


            Using a cooking thermometer

            The best way to check if your meat is cooked is by using a digital cooking thermometer.  Always double check the reading by sticking the probe in several different spots to find the lowest reading. If returning to the oven allow 10-15 mins then test again until the correct temperature is reached.

            • For beef, lamb and venison - rare: 52ºC; medium: 60ºC; well done: 75ºC-80ºC
            • For pork: 75ºC - 80ºC
            • For poultry (chicken, turkey, goose and duck): 75ºC - 80ºC